Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Making Progress
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's Beautiful
Starting Over
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It's Saturday
The things kids say
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It can't believe its almost Friday
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
First Pack Meeting
My friend Sharese called today and we got to visit for quite a while. I miss her so much. We tossed around the idea of getting together during the kids Christmas break. Since they are in Ohio and we are in Mississippi, we can just meet somewhere in the Carolinas. She has been checking rates on beach houses since it is the off season. The ocean is still pretty even if it is too cold to play in. We have to figure something out. She said we could just go to the Bahamas but we don't think we can get as good a deal. There are five in their family and four in ours, so splitting a house is probably the more frugal choice. Even if we don't get together at Christmas, we will find a way to visit before too long. Her baby Cora will be turning one in January and I have only seen her in pictures. It is hard to believe it has been almost a year since we moved away. Leaving good friends is the hardest part of this nomadic journey we have been on. Hopefully, we are done moving. Although, Mississippi is not where I would have chosen to put down roots, it has been a blessing.
That is about all our excitement for today. I am waiting for the dishwasher to get done so I can get the coffee pot ready for in the morning. I love the automatic timer on the coffee pot. It is nice to stumble into the kitchen in the morning to find the coffee ready and waiting. It is very disappointing when I forget to set it the night before.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Where did the weekend go?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Happy Birthday John
There were kids that came to play and our kids were exausted before the night was over.
I think I have mentioned that John shares a birthday with his friend Derrick. Derrick showed up with a tuxedo t-shirt to match the boys.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Off and Running
Friday, September 19, 2008
Let the Weekend Begin
John even ordered the boys tuxedo t-shirts for the event. It is a formal affair. He added the lettering to the back.
I will post pictures of the fun event tomorrow night. John will be up around 2 to get the smoker started. We will spend most of the day tomorrow making the house presentable for company. Since I started working two weeks ago, I haven't been keeping house like I normally would. Anyway, things are going well at work. It is odd to get up and go to a job every day after being a stay at home mom for eight years, but it is good. The company I am working for is great. The job is interesting, pays well, and fits my schedule. I am working part time and have some flexibility with when I work. The kids really don't see much difference because I am home before they get off the bus every day. All in all it is exactly what I was looking for. God is good.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hair Cuts
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday Already
I got all the laundry from the last two weeks ironed, but now it is time to start over again. I do lead an exciting, fun filled life.
John got all his projects done this weekend. The pool is vacuumed, back flushed, and shocked. The lawn is mown. All the lights that needed replaced are up and working. The mirror in the entry has been hung. He is a pretty handy guy to have around. I am sure he did lots of other odd jobs this weekend, but those are the ones that stick out in my mind.
I have mentioned before that our new house is about 30 years old. The family room, breezeway, and garage were added on sometime within the last 20 years. The house has some quirks and we are constantly surprised by things. This weekend when John replaced one of the flood lights outside, he flipped the switch that he thought controlled it and nothing happened. I said "Do you think it could be controlled by the switch in our bedroom that doesn't control anything in our room?" He said that wouldn't make sense, but I tried it. Guess what? The flood light on the back corner of the house is controlled by the switch in our bedroom. Who knows why it was done that way. I don't know if we are going to change it or not. John said the wiring is in the really low part of the attic, so he isn't sure he wants to mess with it. The door to the left of the light does open into the master bathroom, so I guess it isn't completely incomprehensible that the switch would be in our room.
This is one of three lights that John replaced around the garage and breezeway. He actually put them up several weeks ago, but I just haven't posted a picture of them yet. They make the driveway look more inviting at night. Otherwise, it is really dark pulling up to the house after dark.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Fun in the Rain
We spent part of the afternoon today looking at tile. The one that I thought was right, wasn't. Luckily, we had the tile store get us a sample tile before we ordered so we didn't order a huge quantity of the wrong tile. We did however locate the right tile yesterday. It is porcelain, not ceramic. So now I present to you Dal-tile Mendocino Golden Brown Porcelain tile in 18x18. I am glad we found it so we don't have to rip out the tile in the kitchen.
Saturday without fire
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Socks takes over
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Welcome Socks
The dog is adjusting to having a cat around. He has gotten his nose scratched a time or two, but they are getting better. The cat actually sniffed Oscar today, but when Oscar tried to sniff her back she swatted at him. They are entertaining.
As you can see from the picture, the cat is getting up on top of everything. She keeps running across the keyboard while I am trying to type. She slept with John and I last night. So far she doesn't seem to like the kids much. I am sure once she is used to them it will be better. They can be a little intimidating.