I let the evening get away from me and just now got dinner in the oven. At least the car is clean. I was just going to wash it real quick and it wound up taking about an hour and a half. Oh, well. Maybe John will make it home before dinner after all. I may have to make the kids get their showers before dinner. 
The boys are doing well. They are having their video game time right now. I just went to check on them and they are playing a Shrek game that goes with the game cube on the wii. They are funny. They saved their money to buy the wii and they would rather play the game cube games.
I saw two car wrecks on the way home from work today. One of them was at the intersection where the road we live off of meets a Farm to Market type road. It is an awful intersection because it is on a curve and there is a hill on one side that you can't see over. Every morning when I pull out there, I just hope someone isn't about to top the hill. John has been driving the truck since the heater core is leaking and it causes the windows to fog if you turn the heat or defroster on. John doesn't want me to have to mess with it, so he has been driving the truck. He is a great guy. I am very lucky.
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