OK, so John is diligently working on sanding the hall. All the sudden the light goes out in Jacob's room. John starts messing with the breakers to no avail. There is no power in Jacob's room or the hall bath. He gets out his voltage meter and starts trying to isolate the problem.

He wasn't having much luck so he had to go into the attic. Not fun. Anyway, he finds some wires that the squirrels have been feasting on.

Apparently, the squirrels are gaining access to our attic through a hole where the gas line used to run to the fire place. That hole will be getting patched today. Just another day in this exciting journey we call life.
We are taking a break right now to go have lunch and play at The Park on the River. On our way home we will be stopping by Lowes or Home Depot to pick up supplies. Hopefully by this evening power will be restored. I only get a little nervous when John plays with electricity. The Lord will be hearing from me a little more frequently today.
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