we made it. The painting was done and everything was back in order before the party. We should probably go back and do some touch up, but no guarantees it will happen. Luckily my dear friend Kristi got here early to help set up. She did some last minute cleaning while I took a quick shower. It is such a blessing to have great friends. The baby shower/cookout was a success. John, as always, did a great job on the food. Our friends who are expecting were blessed with lots of gifts for baby Landon. All in all a great day.
Looks GREAT! So, are you taking orders for coming and re-doing other peoples' houses in record time? You all should work for one of those DIY or TLC or whatever channel has those makeover shows! Seriously.
And the amazing thing is that after all of that work under a tight deadline and with a sick child we are still on speaking terms.
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