We still need to put in the railing for the balcony and the ladder to get to the zip line landing, but that shouldn't take long. It will require a trip to Lowes or Home Depot for some long 2x4s, but that should be all. We still need to get some paint to trim out the door and windows, but we are not in a hurry for that, maybe after Memorial Day.
Kinda hard to see, but the edges of the metal roof are now protected by a split section of garden hose.
It's been said that the hardest part about bringing up boys is keeping them alive until they're 18 because if the can climb on it they will jump off of it. We may need to alter the phrase to "they will jump off of it or their Dad will build a zip line from it". OK, we may not see that quote taking off, but it does apply here.
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