Today was a typical Saturday. John spent the morning replacing the spark plugs on the truck while I read the paper and enjoyed my coffee. Before he started working on the truck he made us all pancakes for breakfast. I know I am very spoiled.
Hopefully we can just spend some time at home tomorrow after church. I am scheduled to keep the nursery at church tomorrow, so I will probably need to come home and rest afterwards. I'm not used to being around little ones anymore. They wear me out. I need to go grocery shopping at some point. We have eaten out everyday this past week. That is not good. I intended to go to the store everyday, but I worked a little more than usual, and we had something going on every evening. This next week should be better. I will be off work Tuesday and Wednesday, so I am hoping to get some things done around the house. John will be home on Tuesday, but he is planning to work on Wednesday. Okay, so I may not get much accomplished Tuesday, but I am hoping I feel up to doing something on Wednesday. I am betting I will have a migraine by about ten Tuesday morning. I am scheduled for a minor surgery that morning and I can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight. I am fine with not eating, but not having coffee is going to be a challenge. I told John we should probably plan on stopping for coffee on the way home. John and I both went and cast an absentee ballot so that we wouldn't have to try to vote on Tuesday. My doctor suggested it. He said I would probably still be a bit out of it on the way home. I am sure it will all go well, but I am a bit nervous.
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