Today I missed a school party. Luckily, it was only one since Jacob's principal doesn't allow parents at the harvest parties. I told Joshua this morning that I would try to make it, but I might not be able to leave work in time. The first words out of his mouth when he walked in the door today were "So I see you didn't make it to the Harvest party." He said that it was okay and he understood, but I know he was disappointed. I knew when I decided to go back to work that there would be days like this, but I could live without the guilt. I really intended to go, but this has been an odd week at work. Normally, I leave work by noon on Fridays, but today my boss had an extra project he wanted me to get done. I didn't leave work until after one. The party was at 12:30, so that's how life goes. My part time 20 hour a week job turned into about 30 hours this week. I am hoping that doesn't become the norm. On the bright side, I really like my job.
Tonight we went out for dinner and then came home for family movie night. John thought the boys would like Home Alone. He was right. They laughed so hard. I only had to cringe a few times because of the language. We started the movie all on the love seat, but before it was over the kids had moved to the couch.

The cat was busy trying to get into the hole behind the TV. Ever since she discovered the hole for the cords, she has been trying to get in it. She had another vet visit today for her last two shots of the year. Next week Oscar gets to go for his yearly checkup and shots. It amazes me how expensive having pets can be.

Florence had their trick or treating last night because of the football game tonight. We skipped the neighborhoods and just hit the trunk or treat at the Cleary Road Baptist Church. It was fun and the kids got plenty of candy. They posed today with their loot. Part of it is from trunk or treat and the rest is from their Harvest parties at school. Joshua is sporting the lovely Dracula teeth he got at school, and Jacob is showing off his new eye patch.
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