The Sunday school party went well Saturday night. We ate way too much, but that was to be expected. We really enjoyed visiting with some great friends. The weather was beautiful and everyone seemed to have a good time.
Today I need to get laundry done and sew patches on the kids cub scout uniforms. I am anxious for the kids to get home today. Jacob was running a fever when we got home from church yesterday. He and I laid down and took a long nap. It was nice. By yesterday evening he was better and he was fine this morning. You've got to love those mystery bugs that just show up for an afternoon. While Jacob and I napped, John and Joshua did some work around the house. They also spent some time playing. They found a vine on a tree behind the house and took turns swinging on it. On one of John's turns the vine broke just as he swung over Joshua and he fell on him. Luckily I didn't see it happen. Joshua is OK, but it knocked the breath out of him. I think it scared his daddy pretty bad.
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