This is a picture of our house in Ohio. Just about one year ago we were putting this house on the market and preparing to move to Mississippi. Luckily the house had an offer within the first week and was in contract before the end of the second week. Part of the reason for posting the picture is because of the black mulch in the flower beds. As John was planting the flowers in our current flower beds he said they would look really good with some black mulch. Until we moved to Ohio, I am not sure I had really seen much black mulch, but in Ohio mulch is a big thing. You get new mulch in the spring and you fluff your mulch in the fall. Black mulch is something we will continue to do even though we are back in the south. John brought home a yard and a half of mulch yesterday and I think he is going to stop and pick up another yard today. While he is at work this morning I am manning the smoker. I hope everything turns out OK. I need to go check it again. When I went out there a few minutes ago the temperature was way too high so I am hoping the changes I made have brought the temperature back down.
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